"Bush forces U.S. into illegal War", "Obama causes Stocks to Rise and Fall!".
I am sure you all hear stuff like that and more. "Try Bush for War Crimes". if you believe that. YOUR HATE of 8 years of President Bush, is misdirected!!!
Pay Close attention.... these are FACTS you won't here the News Media admit to.
#1. The President does NOT have the power to send the nation to war. It takes an ACT of Congress. (The President can send in the US Marine Corps in for 90 days without congressional approval).
#2. The President does NOT have the power to RAISE or decrease our taxes. It takes an ACT of Congress.
#3. The President does NOT have the power (directly) to bring our Troops home. It takes an ACT of Congress. (Congress can actually override the President, and return our troops home).
#4. The President does NOT have the freedom to spend our Tax dollars... Congress spends it.
ALL these are FACTS, that the Biased and MORONIC News Media, keep blaming on the President.. whether it is Bush or Obama or even Clinton! The Media protects Congress from being the responsible entity, by fabricating "News", reporting only half the story, and perpetually misleading the people... You see it all over! CBS reports a fabricated story... and Mr. Dan Rather, buries his career on it. News Articles and reports that are all out lies and doctored photographs!!!
Here in lies the "Conspiracy Theory". Lawmakers (i.e. Congress)... Could pass a law, holding all news agencies, LIABLE and ACCOUNTABLE for falsly reporting information to the American People...... But why would Congress do that now? When everything BAD that is happening, from the Economy to the War on Terror, can be blamed (by the News Media) on the President? and leave Congress free and clear?
Remember the 4 little facts I presented above? How much do the American People, REALLY know? Only what they catch "On the News". Whether its CNN, MSNBC, CBS, FOX NEWS,.... they all point the finger at the President.
I may not like President Obama, I didn't vote for him.. But he is still MY president. And I know the facts as to what is going on and who is to blame......... Do you?
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