People across the nation came out in the millions to protest against the irresponsible spending of our hard earned tax dollars. It doesn't matter what your political party is, ALL of our representatives did what they wanted to do, and not listen to the American People. Congress has given no indication of listening to us or taking the American People seriously. In a recent statement, President Obama even belittled the movement, ..
"So, you know, when you see — those of you who are watching certain news channels on which I'm not very popular and you see folks waving tea bags around, let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, how we're going to stabilize Social Security."
Obviously, our President is also not listening to us. The mainstream media, painted us as Rightwing, and therefore thats what people think we are about. So what about the Democrats that were out protesting WITH US? It wasn't just Republicans.. it was ALL of us "Americans", who came out to protest and "wave tea bags around"
Coming up, here in Waco. The Waco Tea Party is having a Fundraising event at the Hogcreek Icehouse. (click and get directions). This will be on May the 30th, and many events are planned. This is to help the organizers and volunteers to setup more events. Everything so far has come out of the pockets of the Organizers and Volunteers themselves, and has grown too large for them to finance themselves. Support, either through money and or time is welcome. It also gives everyone that comes out, and opportunity to voice their thoughts on future events and give suggestions and ideas of what they want.
Please remember, the Waco Tea Party, as well as all the Tea Parties across the nation, are about the American People. Non-Partisan with no financial sponsorships. They all have fulltime jobs and do these to educate and give a voice to the Majority of Americans. Show your support, and come out to the Fundraising Event on May 30th!. Visit the Waco Tea Party website and signup for the newsletters and groups to stay up to date. Tell your family and friends about this Grassroots movement.
I've created a social network site that I hope will encourage more people to participate. I hope to see everyone at the Icehouse
ReplyDeleteAnnouncing yet another Waco Tea Party site at waco-blend.ning.com. Come check us out, start a blog and chat with others. Hope to see you there.
What you guys are doing is great. You're making more people aware and maybe waking up the sheeple