Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party!

I took my 15 year old daughter to the Waco Tea Party this afternoon.   As with alot of people, I could not take off work all day to attend, but showed up in support of our local Tea Party.   The Turnout was super-terrific.  Everyone was very cordial and extremely vocal about their support to the Tea Party.

Toby Walker, Jim Wright, Michael Simon..... ALL the volunteers there all had smiles on and were amazed at the turnout.   There were 1000 little stickers printed for the party, and at the time I had to leave and go back to work, all the stickers were gone.  Still, I saw many others walking around without stickers, suffice to say, over 1000 people showed up to it.
Here are some pictures of the Afternoon event of the Waco Tea Party

I am returning after work, at 5PM to the next event, which will be held at the Waco Suspension Bridge (see lower post about change of venue).

Already on CNN, the slant is that its a conservative/republican event Nationwide 'tea party' protests blast bailouts

Again.. SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH!!!!!!!  In order for our message to be properly represented, we need to circumvent the mainstream biased media.

WAKE UP WACO!!  Send the true message to America.. Don't let the biased Media mis-inform the public anymore!!!

1 comment:

  1. Tea Party veterans keep speaking out in the weeks to come... Don't let the message fizzle!
