Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Words from Waco Tea Party

Keep the parties out! No offense Democrats. No offense Republicans. No offense Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and Green people. This is ours. This is the People's! The two major parties have been bounsing back and forth in power for the better part of the last century. And here we are. $11 trillion dollars in debt. Thanks. We're in debt to China. We're in debt to Europe. We are in debt to future generations of Americans yet to be born. And why? What is the point?
Politics. That's the name of the game. For a politician, regardless of mascot, the name of the game is job security, and that means, bringing home the pork. So we have some group in West Montana that wants a pony show at the fair, but can't afford it? Well let's write our Congressman! So shmoe with a job in California, no doubt gives plenty of dough to Uncle Sam every April 15. Why is he paying for a pony show? So Congressman Dolittle can keep his job. Republican... Democrat... They're all the same, and they spend more than we have. We're in debt.
For the 6 years George W. Bush had a friendly Congress, they spent like drunken sailors bringing home the pork. Republicans. Since then, we've had bills passed for $414 billion, $700 billion, $787 billion, bills proposed for over $1 trillion and a budget passed for $3.55 trillion that puts us another $1.2 trillion in the hole this year. Democrats & Republicans.... Big spenders, both.
"We The People" are fed up with this. We are "Taxed Enough Already." The federal siphen for funding has come up dry. The tax-payer vein has been tapped. We believe it is time to get back to the basics of our Constitution. It is time to remind those who serve us in government that the Constitution was written by "We The People," and that it is our contract with government to limit its power over us. The Constitution is the limit of the government and the freedom to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" belongs to The American People. 
Freedom and liberty are not divied up by a government subsidy or program. They are found in our daily pursuits to improve our lives. It is apparent that the parties understand nothing but power, and that is why the tea parties are not theirs. They are ours. They belong to us, "We The People of the United States of America."

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